Founded in 1936, the Hickman Fire Department (HFD) is staffed entirely by volunteer members. It is governed by the Hickman Rural Fire Protection Board which consists of five community members. The Command Staff consist of a Fire Chief, Fire Suppression Captain, Emergency Medical Captain, and Rescue Captain. HFD’s service district covers in and around the City of Hickman, as well as the village’s of Roca and Holland totalling just over 61 square miles.
Members of HFD perform duties consistent with rural and urban fire and rescue operations, such as fire suppression, emergency medical care, water rescue, vehicle extrication, wildland fire suppression and many more. HFD apparatus fleet, consists of 2 Ambulances (11 and12), 1 Fire Engine (34), 1 Rescue Truck(31), 2 Wildland Grass Trucks (23,24), One 3000 gallon water Tanker(40), 1 Rapid Response Vehicle(62) and 1 UTV Response Vehicle(25). All members are trained in accordance with the NFPA standards on vehicle operations.